New York State Department of Taxation and Finance mailed out a letter (RP-425-BR) to homeowners receiving the Basic STAR exemption but not yet registered with the NYS Tax Department. To avoid losing your Basic STAR exemption, you must register with 45 days of the date of the letter you received. Instructions on how to register are included in the letter.
MAXIMUM 2024-2025 STAR SAVINGS (according to NYS Dept of Taxation & Finance)
Basic: $262
Enhanced: $710
Basic: $ 264
Enhanced: $687
If you had the Enhanced STAR last year, your renewal application will automatically be processed for you this year.
If you are currently/are turning 65 in 2025 and wanting to switch from the Basic STAR to a new Enhanced STAR, you will need fill out paperwork and submit it to The Town of Milo – hard copies are available at Town Hall or you can download them from the 2 links below (both forms are required).
If you are new homeowner, you will need to contact the State directly to sign up for a new STAR. For more information, click here.
For the Low-Income Senior Exemption: (for 2023 gross income under $28,399, age 65 and older), renewal forms will be mailed out in December. If you do not receive this form, please visit here and fill out the form and submit it to the Town of Milo.
If you feel you qualify and would like to apply for this exemption the first time, forms are available at Town Hall during business hours or you may print from online here. It is highly recommended that you drop off your form in person so your form can be reviewed – proof of any income from 2023 is also required (Social Security Statement, pensions, etc). If you do not file taxes, please fill out the Income Worksheet.
For the Agricultural Exemption, renewals will be sent automatically if you had an exemption previously. If you did not receive your renewal form, click here. If you are applying for an Agricultural Exemption for the first time, click here. If you are not sure if your land qualifies for the Agricultural Exemption, click here to see the eligibility requirements.
RESPOND TO A LETTER REQUESTING MORE INFORMATION FOR STAR - You have the following options on how to reply:
Call directly at 518-457-2036 weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm to report income information,
If an Income Worksheet form was included with your letter - complete and either mail or fax it directly to the Department of Taxation and Finance as directed on your letter.